Meals at Tihoi
The catering provided at Tihoi is close to restaurant quality and there is plenty to eat. They don’t require extra food; however, seasonal fruit is always well received. They have lots of opportunities to bake and dessert is served with every meal in the dining room and ask that they are not sent lollies, chocolate, etc.. Our catering team is led by a full-time chef who is highly skilled and able to provide any special dietary requirements.
Tihoi schedule
Tihoi is broken into chunks of time where students spend time at Tihoi and return home occasionally. As an example, students will go to Tihoi for four weeks and then have a four-day break. The next duration will be three weeks with a four-day break, returning to Tihoi for two more weeks with a mid-term break. This schedule is repeated for the second half of the intake.
Sending packages to Tihoi
Parents may send extra equipment such as extra socks, books, clothing or photos and they will always enjoy a letter from family members. All parcels go through ‘Tihoi Customs’ to check for illicit goodies when the students open them. Parents are discouraged from sending food, although birthdays are an exception to this rule. A cake to share with housemates is fondly welcomed. Parents are discouraged from sending money to Tihoi; students receive a small allowance on expeditions which is disbursed by Tihoi. Parcels can be dropped off at our Hamilton campus by 3.30pm most Mondays for delivery at Tihoi the following day. The Director will give you notice on which day this will happen and what time parcels need to be at the school reception.
Letter writing
Letter writing is an essential component of Tihoi. Being away from home can be an intense experience and students are encouraged to write home weekly. Replies from mum, dad, siblings and even the cat are eagerly awaited. They write a letter home regularly using two sides of A4 paper; if he runs out of envelopes, Tihoi has envelopes to purchase at the stationery shop.
Please limit the number of parcels you send. Remember, we want your child to create new relationships and feel connected with those at the Tihoi campus rather than relying on their weekly parcel from home.
Email correspondance
Electronic newsletters are distributed every one – three weeks to notify parents about transport arrangements, upcoming events and achievements of students. Directors use regular email correspondence to contact and update parents with news and details of current activities
Buses and Transport
The first day at Tihoi is a special day so we encourage parents to bring their child by car. There is no bus service available on this day. From the first leave weekend, a bus will be available for students to travel back to the Hamilton campus and return to Tihoi. You can book a seat on the bus, either way, through the Director who will communicate these days and times with you.
A lot of time and thought goes into which Tihoi house students are placed and what students they are placed with. If you have any concerns you would like to raise, please do this well in advance by contacting the Associate Headmaster – Mr Craig Hardman.
Requests for leave from Tihoi campus
If you have a request for your child to leave Tihoi during his time there, a formal request must be emailed to Associate Headmaster, Craig Hardman, and Director of Tihoi, Peter Evans.
During their stay, students are assessed on social interaction, fitness, outdoor skills and academic work. Regular reports on students' progress are sent to parents. At the end of each students' 18-week experience a full report is forwarded to parents and a certificate is presented to students for their completion of the Tihoi experience.
If you have any questions about the Tihoi experience, please contact Tihoi Director Peter Evans at the details provided below.
Tihoi postal and physical address
287 Tihoi Mill Rd
Tihoi contact details
Phone: 07 372 8416
Tihoi Truths from St Paul's Collegiate School on Vimeo.