2025 international fees

All fees are shown in New Zealand dollars and include Goods and Services Tax (GST). Tuition fees are re-evaluated each year in October. Tuition fees include provision for English as a Second Language (ESOL) tuition. Full payment in advance must be received by 30 November each year. The bond payment referred to will be repaid at the end of your child’s time at St Paul’s Collegiate School once all accounts have been settled.

Our international fees for 2025 are as follows and for a full copy of our fee schedule please see below:

Fees payable to secure enrolment
Enrolment fees $800
Bond $1,900

Annual school fees (except Year 10)

Day Boarding
Tuition fees $49,660 $49,660
Boarding fees n/a $20,573
Lunches $2,695 n/a
Annual Parents' Association Fee $115 $115
Annual Collegians Fee $115 $115
Fees $52,585 $70,463

Annual school fees (Year 10 only – Tihoi year)

Day Boarding
Tuition fees $49,660 $49,660
Boarding fees $10,297 $20,573
Tihoi course fee $2,640 $2,640
Lunches $1,348 n/a
Parents' Association Fee $115 $115
Collegians Fee $115 $115
Fees $64,175 $73,103

Regulations covering fees

  • Fees shown are in $NZD and include goods and services tax
  • The bond payment referred to under the enrolment section will be repaid at the end of your child’s time at St Pauls’s Collegiate School once all accounts have been settled
  • Tuition fees include provision for ESOL tuition
  • No prepaid discount is available

Estimate of other expenses

Travel and medical insurance with Unicare (indicative cost) $680.00
Homestay for boarding students (during leave weekends and school holidays) $60 per night or $395 per week
Homestay for day students $360 per week / $16,200 per year
Uniform $2,000 – $2,200
Bedding for boarding students $150 (indicative)
Sports levy variable depending on sport
NCEA examination fee per exam $333.30
Scholarship examination $88.87
Cambridge examination $175
Evening meal for day students (optional) $12.50
Breakfast for day students (optional) $9
Airport shuttle $160 each way
Guardian fees per term $750

Please note that there may be other expenses that could be charged to a student’s account. These will vary but could include:

  • Boarding house trips
  • Stationery
  • International outings
  • Academic field trips
  • Music tuition
  • School doctor
  • Personal items
  • Toiletries/haircuts
  • Taxi and bus fares
  • Extra tuition

Welfare fee for New Zealand passport holders*

For students who do not have a parent or close relative living in New Zealand, our International Department is required to organise a host family and a guardian (NZ support person) to monitor the student’s welfare. The school reserves the right to charge a $2,500.00 p.a. welfare fee. If ESOL tuition is required, this will be an additional cost.

Refund Policy and Fees Protection

Click here for our refund policy.

Travel and Medical Insurance for International Students

Click here for information on travel and medical insurance.


Your first point of contact should be to the Director of International Students, Mrs Helen Richardson telephone +64 7 957 8843, email h.richardson@stpauls.school.nz

If you have an enquiry relating to a charge to your account, please contact the Administrations Office by email: schoolaccounts@stpauls.school.nz If you have an enquiry in respect to the standard fees set by the Board of Trustees, email Peter Welham, Business Manager:

Peter Welham
Business Manager
+64 7 957 8827

*Classification of NZ passport holders students; students from the Cook Islands, Tokelau or Niue who are New Zealand citizens; Australian Citizens, permanent residents of Australia; the holder of a residence permit under the Immigration Act 1987; persons exempt from the requirement to hold a permit under the Immigration Act 1987.

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