Tihoi enrolment

Students must be enrolled at St Paul’s Collegiate School in Year 9 to attend Tihoi; on occasion, there are Tihoi spaces available for students entering Year 10 who are committed to staying at the school after Tihoi.

Applications for Year 10s can be submitted and if spaces are available, the school will contact you to arrange an interview. Any enrolment at Year 10 must come with an undertaking that the student will complete their secondary schooling at St Paul’s.

Please note, spaces for St Paul’s and Tihoi Venture School are limited and in high demand. It is strongly encouraged that parents enrol their child at St Paul’s in Year 9 to avoid disappointment.

If you are interested in enrolling for Tihoi and beyond, please contact the enrolments office on +64 7 957 8889 to enquire about available spaces. After speaking with the enrolments manager, you may be required to complete an enrolment form.

Online enrolment form »
