School Attendance Protocols

We are aware of the critical role that attendance plays in your son or daughter’s academic success and overall wellbeing; therefore, we would like to remind you of our attendance system for 2025.


Parents have three options to notify the school while stating the reason for the absence:

  • Advise through St Paul’s App (Skool Loop) – this notification goes to the housemaster and the office
  • Email with the housemaster copied in
  • Phone 07 957 8899 before 8.00 am

On returning to school, absences should be explained by a dated note from parents to the housemaster, giving the reason for the absence and setting out the duration of the absence.

For absences from sports training/fixtures, students need to communicate directly with their coach or manager. This communication must reach the respective staff member prior to the event. Explanations after the fact will not be accepted as legitimate reasons, barring exceptional circumstances.


Where a student will be absent from school for more than three consecutive school days for non-medical reasons (including, but not limited to, representative commitments at regional or national competitions, family bereavements, family celebrations or extraordinary circumstances) an application for leave must be made in writing and sent to the Headmaster via email at The early notification of such leave requests is appreciated.

Detailed arrangements and procedures for boarders' leave can be found in the Boarding Handbook.

Attendance rate

  • Please note we require all students to have an attendance rate of 85% or more to participate in the school’s co-curricular activities alongside compulsory sports training and games.
  • This rule includes camps, sporting events/trips, balls, overseas trips, and house events.
  • The threshold of 85% ensures students are actively engaged in their academic learning while also enjoying the enriching opportunities the school provides.

We understand that there may be exceptional circumstances that lead to attendance falling below the threshold. In such cases, students will be required to seek permission from one of the Associate Headmasters (Mr Hardman or Mrs Miller) for permission to attend any co-curricular events/tournaments that they wish to be involved in. This additional step allows us to consider individual circumstances and make informed decisions that prioritise the student’s academic progress and participation in co-curricular events.

Notification to parents and attendance record

All parents are notified of all unexplained absences of their son or daughter each school day. We ask that upon receipt of the notification you advise the school (via the Skool Loop school app or by emailing as to the reason your son or daughter is absent (if not already done).

Notifications will be made in the morning and again at the end of the day to capture all periods of absence. This proactive approach is designed to keep you informed about your child’s attendance and to afford you the opportunity to address any issues promptly.

Please note you can view the attendance details of your son or daughter at any time through the parental portal. Housemasters will change unexplained absences to truant where no explanation can be given and relevant discipline pathways for truancy will be implemented.

If you encounter any issues with the notifications or have concerns about your son/daughter’s attendance record please reach out to your son/daughter’s Housemaster in the first instance.

Thank you for your continued partnership in supporting your son or daughter’s education and success. We appreciate your cooperation in reinforcing the value of regular attendance as it contributes to not only the student’s academic success but also their holistic development.

Leaving the school grounds

  • No student may leave the school grounds during the school day without appropriate permission
  • Students must sign out at the school office when leaving during the school day and sign in when they return.


Appointments (e.g., dental, medical, driving) should be made outside of school hours so that the pattern of learning is not interrupted. However, if this is not possible and the appointment takes place during class time then the student must present a note from a parent or an appointment card to their housemaster. Students must also sign out at the school office before leaving school grounds, and, on arrival back to school, must sign back in at the school office.

Year 13 Study Period

All Year 13 students are expected to be at school on time by 7.55 am for House Period, Chapel or Assembly which begin at 8.00 am sharp. The exception to this start time is on Wednesdays when students are expected to arrive by 8.40 am in time for their period 1 class (which commences at 8:50am sharp). Please schedule appointments for your son or daughter outside of school hours.

Year 13 students will have study periods during the year as indicated by a blank space in their timetable. The Long Room is allocated as a quiet space for students to use during study periods. Students will be supervised there by a staff member with a roll taken. Any Year 13 students who are absent from school during their study period will need to follow normal school procedures around absences and signing out.

If Year 13 students have a study Period 6, they have the option to leave school early (2.45 pm) with permission from the supervising study teacher. This flexibility will hopefully assist them in developing strong time management skills in preparation for when they leave school at the end of the year. However, the students must check in with their study supervisor first and then sign out if they opt to leave early. This option is a privilege, not a right, and this privilege will be reviewed at the end of each term.

Year 13 students, as per normal, are not permitted to leave the grounds during school hours; this includes morning interval and lunchtime.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact Theresa Miller or Craig Hardman.
