Tracking progress and homework

Throughout the school year, both students and parents at St Paul’s Collegiate School receive regular constructive feedback from teachers and housemasters about the progress of students.

Parents are kept up-to-date with their child’s progress through regular feedback and reporting. In addition, homework helps keeps a connection between the school and home.


  • All parents receive fortnightly reports electronically that give a brief and concise idea of how their child is performing in class. Fortnightly reports provide a one to five grading about a student’s performance in each subject. This helps parents keep track of their child’s progress throughout the year
  • All parents receive an attitude grade report early in the year, feedback each term and a personalised record of their achievements (academic, sporting, cultural and community) at the end of each school year
  • Parents of Year 9-10 students receive an attitude grade report, two full reports and two parent-teacher interviews per year
  • Parents of Year 11-13 students receive two full reports and two parent-teacher interviews per year and a testimonial from the School upon graduation.

Please note that parent-teacher interviews are only held once for Year 10 boys because of their attendance at Tihoi Venture School. In place of a second interview, parents are provided with reports electronically and by post.


Homework helps students develop study habits that are essential for intellectual growth and academic achievement. For this reason homework is given and individual preparation is encouraged.

The amount of homework increases, in terms of both volume and complexity, as a student moves through the school. Year 11, 12 and 13 are expected to complete homework for up to two hours each evening.

The type of homework varies, consisting of formal written work, preparation for class the next day, specified reading and revision. To assist with the planning of their homework, students in Year 9, 10 and 11 are expected to use a diary.
