Sport uniform
Sports teams
- When travelling to and from a sports exchange the formal school uniform is to be worn.
- For other away fixtures the full school tracksuit or formal school uniform is to be worn.
Only caps or sun hats stocked by the school shop may be worn.
Footwear and adequate clothing must be worn when moving to and from the pool. Sports shorts and long beachwear/surf gear may not be worn in the pool.
Saturday sport
- Participants are to wear the school sports uniform
- Students are to travel in either the formal school uniform or full school tracksuit
- Spectators are to be in the formal school uniform or a full school tracksuit until after lunch. Any caps or beanies must be school regulation
- All students, when travelling home after sports or practices, are to wear either the formal school uniform or the full school tracksuit
School trips
Students are to wear the uniform as specified by the teacher in charge of the activity. In general, students will be expected to wear the formal school uniform unless otherwise stated. If students travel in sports uniform, it is to be a full school tracksuit with either a white school polo shirt or a house top with sleeves. Singlets and rugby jerseys are not to be worn.
Students must wear full grey uniform during the exam period when on site including when attending tutorials and the exam.
Non-uniform for boarders
All boarders may keep a small amount of mufti at school. This must be in good condition, clean and smart. It is very important that all mufti be clearly named.
- Housemasters will insist on a high standard of mufti
- After dinner on weekdays, tidy mufti may be worn within the school grounds
- Boarders may wear tidy mufti from after lunch on Saturdays and Sundays
- Students with sports commitments will be advised on a case-by-case basis and may wear the school tracksuit.
- Students must wear the formal school uniform during the weekly formal dinner.
- Students visiting campus during study leave are to wear the full school tracksuit and white polo shirt, housetop, or rugby jersey.