Chris Warner: Feeding the St Paul’s Community with love

Chris Warner: Feeding the St Paul’s Community with love

9 September 2024

It’s a well-known fact at St Paul’s Collegiate School – everyone raves about the food. For both students and staff, mealtime is a cherished part of the day, and much of that magic can be attributed to the warmth and care of Head Chef Chris Warner. Whether it’s a hearty lunch or a special event dinner, every meal comes with a side of Chris’s infectious smile and genuine commitment to nourishing the school community. Recently, Chris was honoured for his exceptional dedication, receiving a 2024 Honours Award for Service to Catering and the Wider Community at the Independent Schools of New Zealand Awards Dinner in Christchurch.

For Chris, who has spent more than 15 years managing the culinary needs of St Paul’s, this recognition reflects a career milestone. “The highlight of my working career,” he says, referring to his time at the school. It’s easy to see why – from coordinating more than 1,500 meals a day to ensuring that every student and staff member feels welcome, Chris has built more than just menus; he has built connections.

His ability to rise to challenges is legendary, particularly during moments like the power outage that threatened to disrupt dinner for 300 boarding students. Quick thinking and resourcefulness meant no one went hungry, reinforcing his status as a true hero of the school. Beyond his culinary skills, Chris has cultivated a culture of care and mentorship within his kitchen team, empowering them to grow and thrive under his leadership.

The impact of Chris’s work extends far beyond the school grounds. His volunteer efforts for community events like the Scouts Jamboree and "The Chefs Night Out" demonstrate a commitment to service that runs deep. During the COVID-19 pandemic, he further showcased his adaptability by setting up an on-site supermarket for residential staff, ensuring the community continued to function smoothly in uncertain times.

As Headmaster Ben Skeen remarked, “Chris’s ‘can-do’ attitude and inability to say ‘no’ have made him a hero at our school, touching lives with every meal he prepares.” Chris Warner is not only the man behind the meals but also a pillar and a friend of the community. And as long as he is in the kitchen, there’s no doubt the St Paul’s community will continue to savour every bite, and of course, rave about it too.
