June 2022

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
30 Uniform Grey's 31 Ball Dance Lessons Uniform Greys 1 Uniform Greys 2 SCHOOL BALL Uniform No.1's Waikato Secondary Schools Boys Individual Squash Competition 3 Exeat Weekend 4 Exeat Weekend 5 Exeat Weekend
6 Exeat Weekend 7 Uniform Greys 8 Uniform Greys WaiBOP Cross Country Championships 9 House Haka Competition - MOVED to Thu 16 June Matamata Clay Bird Shooting Competition Uniform Greys 10 Ngaa Manu Koorero Waikato Speech competition Uniform No.1's Year 10 Exams 11 Year 9 In-Weekend 14:00–17:00 Open Day 12 CHAPEL - Fitchett
13 Uniform Grey's Year 10 Exams 14 L3 PE Activities Uniform Greys Year 12 Geography Field Trip Year 9 Exams 15 1st XI Football vs Rotorua Boy's High (H) Uniform Greys Year 9 Exams 18:30 Hockey Boy's 1st XI vs HBHS - Matt Allen Cup (Gallagher Hock 16 2022/2 Year 10 Exit Service Haka Competion Big Sing Uniform No. 1's Year 10 2022/2 Last Day Year 9 Exams 17 Teacher Only Day 12.30 pm - 1st XV depart to Francis Douglas Memorial College NZ Chamber Music Competition 18 19 1st XI Hockey (B) vs Whangarei (A) CHAPEL - Hall
20 1st XI Hockey (B) vs Westlake (A) Uniform Grey's 21 Uniform Greys 22 11Business Studies Trip - Periods 3 and 4 Tauranga Winter Sports Exchange Uniform Greys (No.1's for all those involved in Sports Excha Year 13 Geography Field Trip 23 Career Expo Uniform No. 1's 24 Exeat Weekend 25 Exeat Weekend 26 Exeat Weekend NO CHAPEL
27 2022/1 - Re Entry Service Uniform No.1's 28 Level 2 Economics Trip date TBC Uniform Greys 29 1st XV vs Wesley (A) - catchup game Uniform Greys Year 13 AgBus Trip 30 Mufti Day - 1 L2 PE Tough Guy/Gal Challenge Open Day Uniform No.1's 2 NZCT Chamber Music Regional Finals Rock Quest Heats World Vision 40 Hour Famine 3 World Vision 40 Hour Famine