March 2025

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
24 Exeat Weekend 1st XI Cricket verse Wanganui (away) 17:30–18:30 Parent Presentation - The Resilient Mindset Parent Programme 25 08:15–18:30 Darren Pereira - The Power to Persist 12:15 Waikato University Visit 26 Year 11 Geography Trip 12:15 Massey University Visit 18:00–19:00 Virtual Information Evening 27 Charity Day - Kidscan (Non-Uniform) 28 Rowing Auction 1 2 1st XI Cricket Exhange New Plymouth Boys High School 19:30 Chapel - Hall/School
3 1st XI Cricket Exhange New Plymouth Boys High School 12:20 Scholastic Centurion Assembly 4 12:15 Auckland University Visit 5 12:15 Otago University Visit 6 House Haka 7 09:30–12:00 Open Day NISS Rowing 8 NISS Rowing 9 Chapel - Combined with DIO (At Dio NISS Rowing Parent Association Meeting
10 12:20 Scholars Tie Assembly 11 WSS Tennis - Singles Year 11 Economics & Year 13 Accounting Trip Zone Athletics 12:15 Victoria University Visit 12 15:30 Swimming Sports - Long Distance Races 12 Geography Trip WSS Tennis - Doubles Year 11 Ag-Horticulture Trip 12:15 Lincoln University Visit 13 08:00–15:30 Swimming Sports Day 14 15 16 19:30 Chapel - Fitchett/Hamilton
17 18 Year 11 History Trip 08:30–09:30 Southwell Information Assembly at Southwell to Year 6, 7 & 8 12:15 Canterbury University Visit 19 20 14:00–18:30 Year 9-13 Day Parent Interviews 21 09:30–13:00 Grandparents Day Race Relations Day 13:30–17:00 Year 9-13 Boarding Parent Interviews 22 Exeat Weekend 23 Exeat Weekend
24 Exeat Weekend Summer Tournament Week 25 Exeat Weekend Summer Tournament Week WBOP Athletics Championships 26 Summer Tournament Week 27 Charity Day - Refugee Centre (Non-Uniform) Summer Tournament Week 28 Summer Tournament Week 29 NZSS Open Water Championships 30 19:30–20:30 Chapel - Garden of Rememberance
31 Summer Photos 1 Year 11 Art Trip 2 12:15 WINTEC Visit 3 Year 12 Loves Me Not Presentations 4 13:30–15:30 Southwell Smarts Day TBC (Music, arts and Sports) 5 Boarding IN Saturday - Charity Relay North Island Athletics Championships Williams House Chapel Service 6 North Island Athletics Championships