Since the country’s snap Covid-19 lockdown was declared for three days from Wednesday 18 August, St Paul’s Collegiate School has been operating a Distance Learning Delivery model.
Students follow a regular school timetable, attending lessons from Monday to Friday, while teachers deliver a combination of live streamed lessons, video sessions and online assignments. Regular contact between students, teachers and classmates ensures high engagement and focus throughout the new style of school day.
Working hard behind the scenes are the support staff, including IT specialists who are continually monitoring and reviewing the systems to ensure adequate functionality and stability of the programmes, both technically and academically.
While the whole school is used to coming together every day, whether at a Headmaster’s assembly or Chapel service, our students now come together online to Soul Food with Revd Peter Rickman at 1:20pm every Tuesday and Thursday. Soul Food is live streamed and provides an opportunity for our students and families to be together as a community, albeit a virtual one, to think, pray, reflect and sing.
Our teachers and staff have been working from home since the lockdown but the school continues to function as normal from within a virtual environment.
Our thoughts are with the caring, brave people who are working in health, emergency and essential services. We are grateful for their efforts and we hope they keep safe and protected from harm. We thank them for being there for the rest of us.
Be kind, keep well.