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12/01/2022 12:00 AM
12/01/2022 12:00 AM
Final Day - Term 4 ends
10.00 am Junior students arrive for House Roll Call (in Houses)
10.30 am Junior sports activities / House competition
12.00 pm Lunch (Dining Room)
1.00 pm Tihoi Re-entry/Exit Service (Chapel of Christ the King)
2.00 pm Junior Prizegiving (Chapel of Christ the King)
3.30 pm Prizegiving concludes
3.45 pm Afternoon Tea (all Year 9 & 10 students)
5.00 pm Carol Service (???whole??? school event/parents welcome) (Chapel of Christ the King)
7.00 pm Year 13 Parents/Students farewell gathering
(Dining Room Annex)- staff invited
Canapes and light refreshments
Students in #1 Uniform ??? no alcohol for student leavers
9.00 pm Year 13 Gathering closes